The project is centered around the concept of an ancestral estate, symbolically manifested through the metaphor of a nest - a unifying structure that connects generations. This nest, encompassing not only blood ties but also spiritual bonds, becomes the central core around which the composition evolves.
The architectural form integrates harmoniously with the natural landscape: rocky surfaces and low vegetation contrast with the smooth expanse of the sea, creating a dynamic interaction with the surrounding environment.
The idea of the nest is reflected in both the materials and forms of the buildings, as well as in their placement. Mirrored surfaces act as mediators, absorbing elements of the surrounding nature and thereby dissolving the architecture into the landscape, making it an inseparable part of the environment.
The project serves as an example of the synergy between humanity and nature, where architecture, as an extension of the landscape, simultaneously preserves its unique identity and becomes an organic part of the overall ecosystem.