Tula Region
    private residential house 150 sq.m.
    Monolith reinforced concrete
One of the main design goals was to create a project that resreservoirs to the community values.The focus was on three values: creating, researching, and benefiting.Creation is the basis for the architectural genotype concept and is disclosed in the following order: first the building is designed, in the long term around this initial cell of the settlement it is planned to build the structure, the logic of the general plan and architecture both symbolically and functionally, as well as aesthetically. Accordingly, the building becomes a source, a gene that produces a whole organism and ecosystem. The gene encodes symbolism and parameters that make it possible to build different types of houses with a similar internal structure and exterior aesthetics, while having its own image. This gene is the analogy of plant pollen, which is both a form-developing and symbolic element. The pollen, ripening, gives birth to a new plant and represents the source of life. In the same way, the resident of the house spiritually and intellectually generates ideas that later on benefit the community through the process of generating creative and other products. This is the symbolic order.The shape is formed by direct similarity with pollen of mordovnik, rhododendron, evening primrose, which have the shape of a three-pointed star (mordovnik grows in the Tula region). This shape gives parameters to each end and makes them movable and creates a flexible modular system of building construction plan. This symbolic order and form-developing characteristic allow to create types library or a kind of a buildings population, an architectural phenotype, a set of laid down parameters, genes that form an individual appearance.
It is possible to reinforce the idea of an individual image through natural and artificial transformation of facades, similar to the process of morphogenesis in plants.

Living organisms do not have a final form, they change in the process of evolution, reflecting the local environment in their transformations. Thus reflecting natural processes of nature on the facades, the building design partially blends into the landscape, which changes its appearance with seasons changing. The facades provide surfaces for infill works by artists, sculptors and designers. The landscape and decorative infill allow each resident to bring a part of themselves into their own home, while the modular shell grid allows them to create an individual facade pattern.
Natural structures are embedded in the provision of natural light to the interior of a building. Both plants and humans are organisms with circadian rhythms, cyclical fluctuations of biological processes associated with natural light. A modular grid is provided in the building envelope, allowing windows to be placed in the roof, focusing on the building's disposition towards the sun. Considering that the building is planned to be typical, having a modular grid and the ability to change window positions without adjusting the design documentation as a whole is an advantage and allows to reduce the labor costs and budget expenses for design and adapt the implementation.

Architecture ,based on natural life cycles and form development, is perceived as a settlement gene containing a set of fundamental values and its own history.
Creative team
Head — Stanislav Nikolaev

Stanislav Nikolaev

Igor Vasilyev